Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Williams Updated Ultrasound Pictures

Well it took forever to get good pictures of William today! He was sleepy and STUBBORN! I love him to death cause I know he's just like us! He had his back to us and he was digging his head into my back... if you can imagine. We did everything to try and get him to move so like 50 minutes into the ultrasound we finally got a profile and he was busy sucking his hand too may I add.

Updates on Blogger

On My Family Blogger.... I have A Gene Simmons Military Tribute that you MUST watch, I have some pictures of some 4 and 4T girls clothes I am selling for CHEAP low prices!, Our floor plan ideas for our new house, My Memorial Day message, Why Walmart sucks! so stay in touch and catch up on all the blogs i may not have had a chance to post on Myspace ...

On my Creative Blogger. See what I made for my Fallen Hero's...

Are you keeping up with my Love Dare Blog? I am on Day 25. I have slacked off and gotten lazy but I am almost there! Sunday was the last day of Mustang Marriage and I have yet to post about THAT! It was awesome as usual.

Of course we stay busy preparing for William's arrival. I am now 29 weeks pregnant and I have just less than 10 weeks to go WOOHOO! I will be posting his 3D Ultrasound pictures once I get them today so don't miss checking back on my blog, reading about my baby shower and things are going to get busier the closer we get!
I've still be narley sick but I am hanging in there.
Here is how I keep people updated on what I am doing for William

Of course when I post a blog to Xanga it posts on my face book as well!
Don't forget myspace!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Check list updated... is it getting shorter?

3-4 Crib Sheets (I have one. I need three-four more)
2-6 Waterproof Pads (I use these for a million different things.)
2 Mattress Pads
2 Stroller Blankets
2-5 Recieving Blankets (I have four I need 1 more.)

Bassinet, Cradle, or Co-Sleeper (A MUST for us)
√ Crib with a Crib Mattress
Changing Table
Diaper Pail
Bouncer or Infant Chair
Rocking Chair
√ Baby Monitor
Infant Swing (A portable one will be handy with all our traveling we do as well as a bigger one that will stand the test of time)
Night Light
√ Pack and Play (we have a pretty heavy travel schedule so this is a must)

√ Bedding Sets (We are starting to think Sir Leaps Alot could be girlie)

(I ended up with two. I may sell one. One is Peter Rabbit and the other is Wendy Bellissimo's Sir Leaps Alot. I hope they are both unisex!)


√ 3-10 Short Sleeve Onesies Newborn Sized
(I have ten of these some are white some have color, Do I need Long sleeve? I know I will need bigger ones that go up to 12 lbs)
√ 6-8 Stretchies or PJ's (I have fifteen)
1-2 Two piece outfits (August is an inbetween month weather wise here so I will need some for the hot weathered days and the cooler weather days. I think I have two right now for the warm days.)
3-6 Rompers (I have five I need 1 more)
√ 3-6 Gowns (YAY! I have twelve)
2-3 Blanket Sleepers
√ 1-3 Sweaters (I have three)
1-3 Hats (I have 6 hats 3 boy and 3 white), The suggestion on Xanga was 10?
√ 1 snowsuit
6-8 Socks ( I have three I need 5 more socks)
√ 6 Bibs
3-6 Washable Pants (do they mean like diaper covers cause I put this under clothing LOL! I have 1 pair of pants to go with a onesie I guess I need 5 more)
6 Kimono's and or T-shirts (I got three newborn sized Kimono things for the first week of life. I need 3 more) I have 2 kimono's that are 0-3 months
Home from the Hospital Keepsake Outfit and Maybe another one for pictures
√ 2 Newborn Hand Mittens (So they don't scratch their face)
2 Cool weather outfits
√ 3-10 Up to 12 lbs (0-3 Months sized) Onesies (I have thirty)

3-10 Long sleeve onesies possibly? Newborn and or 0-3 month sized? I have 2 long sleeve onesies do I need 8 more?


I plan on doing mostly disposable but I probably will do some cloth diapers
10-12 per day of the Disposable Diapers. (How many of each size should I buy ahead of time?)
2-5 Dozen cloth diapers
Baby Diapers
Wipe Warmer
4-6 Diaper Pins


2-4 Towels ( I have three I need 1 more)
Tons Washcloths
√ Baby Bath
Baby Shampoo
Baby Oil Creamy
Rash Cream
Cleaning Wipes
Cotton Balls
Baby Nail Clippers
Baby Brush and Comb (I would like two, one for travel or the diaper bag)
√ Baby Tub

Calamine Lotion
Hydrocortisone Cream
Rehydration Fluid
Rubbing Alcohol
Medicine Syringe
Nasal Aspirator


Travel System
Extra Carseat with Base or just extra base
Baby Sling or Baby Carrier (I would like one of each)
√ Diaper Bag (used)
Car Seat Cover
Stroller Blanket
Convertable Car Seat


12 Burp Cloths (I have three. I need 9 more)
6 Four Ounce Bottles
10-12 Eight Ounce Bottles
4-6 Bottles for Breastmilk Storage with Caps
√ Breast Pump
? Milk Bags
? Pacifer
High Chair (we want something like this
Bottle Brush
2w 2 Weeks of Formula if I can't breastfeed
Breast Pads
3 Nursing Bras
Water for Formula if Applicable
√ dishwasher caddy (suggested on Xanga THANKS I totally forgot)
drying caddy (for storage)


All Free and Clear Baby detergent (any other suggestions)
Saline Nose Spray
Gas Drops
Liquid Benedryl

Xanga suggestion ~ "would only get 2 packages of newborn sized and 3-4 packages of size 1 4 packages of size 2 and then 6 packs of size 3 they seem to say in those the longest, for cloth diapers you need special detergent and a stripping agent and make sure you wash them about 7 times beore using them if you've never used cloth diapers just email me and ill give you the info. you also need your wipes either the disposable kind of the cloth kind and with that some solution . and a tub to put them in. you'll need some type of diaper pail for the cltoh diapers and a diaper genie or a diaper dekor plus is what we have and love it. you will also want a blanket to cover up the baby while your chaign them so they wont get cold and a special toy that they cna play or lok at jsut when they are being changed this will help imensily when they get older and want to scoot all over the place, also have extra socks on the changing table dont ask me why but they always seem to stick thir foot or sock in poo and then they need new ones. make suretoget a coolmist humdifier most babies get congested with in 2 weeks of coming home and thats the only thing that will help them sleep"

Thank you to for the suggestions

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dear Non-Pregnant Person

Dear Non-Pregnant Person, I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn't mean me- then you should probably read this twice. 1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is 'Congratulations!' with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you an asshole. 2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase 'my baby'. 3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it... 4) The body of a pregnant woman should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman. 5) Likewise, no woman wants to hear comments on her weight...ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is 'You look fabulous!'. 6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes. 7) There is a reason that tickets to Labor & Delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, MIL or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents. You weren't invited to be there when the baby was created, you probably won't be invited to be there when it comes out either. 8) Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital and the parents' home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to 'help out'. If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it. 9) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping. 10) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.11) Do not ask me how I am feeling every day unless you really want to hear about my constipation, sore tatas, or diarrhea. Because I will really tell you.12) I don't care if you don't like the name we picked out for our baby, it's our baby.13) I don't really care that you ran a 10K when you were five months pregnant or your sister never felt sick for this long. I'll do what I am comfortable with and my condition is as much my own as this baby I am carrying. Don't assume that because your Mom only gained 18 pounds that I will too- I am so sick of hearing how much better everyone else seems to have been at being pregnant than I am now- it is different for every woman!14) Just because I don't LOOK pregnant yet does not mean I don't feel like crap! Don't ever ever tell a pregnant woman that constant vomiting/nausea is all in her head!15) Why, no, I had absolutely NO CLUE what causes pregnancy. Why don't you enlighten me? Oh wait...that's's none of your business. Why do you need to know what method of birth control I use? Isn't it OBVIOUS that I'm not using it now?16) Don't tell me I need to stop having children. Just because two was enough for you doesn't mean everyone feels that way. I just might want 10 kids. Go sterilize yourself and stop worrying about my reproductive organs.17) Do not ask me if this pregnancy was an accident. First of all, I wouldn't tell you if it was. Second of all, I would never call my baby an accident. The only accident here was me running into your rude ass today.18) Please stop referring to my breasts as "udders", "melons" "hooters" and the like..... It's just not funny.19) For the last time I do not want to hear "You need to be careful", "high heels are not sturdy shoes, and you could hurt the baby!!", "Do you think it's wise to work out so much?" I'm not stupid, I can figure things out on my own without your two cents.20) Enjoy these guidelines! Practice them, live by them, and show ALL pregnant women some respect!! That is all. Have a great day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lets Talk CLOTHES!

Ok so if you know me well enough you know Children's Place is my favorite brand to buy my kids. I don't pay retain non-sale prices for Gymboree EVER... If its something at CP I like I will put in the extra money to get before it goes on sale... Normally their prices aren't that high unless its a holiday season. Plus I am always armed with my 10% on my credit card (its amazing how I don't have a balance too!) Plus whatever season pass they send me. SO I save save save when I buy Children's place clothes. I worked there for over a year and Skylar's closet was often filled with Children's Place clothes... and still is!

I don't really like a whole lot of Gymboree Clothing lines compared to Children's Place Clothing lines for Skylar anywho. I will usually find one line or two a year and buy it on sale or off of ebay.
Last year I was in LOVE with the Royal Garden & Schoolgirl Rock's line. I got Skylar a few pieces from each line. As well as some from Ballet, Holland Days, & Parisian Rose..

I do however like their layette sets and always have. I like the idea (as well as my kids like the idea of) Having a warm blanket to go with their clothes. I prefer them for newborns I guess they don't have the crazy color combinations like they do for the older kids lol. Plus I am picky on what Skylar wears (certain dresses and skirts, halter tops, tank tops etc)

So I've search and searched nearly daily on Ebay for Gymboree blankets that are inexpensive. Layette sets so I have more of a selection than what's just currently for sale. I have found two new lines that I love for William and One that also is too way cute! Flying lessons (which was from 2006) The good ole postman delievered William's first outfit from this line today. I also like Fly with Me oh its oh so adorable! So the search goes on LOL. I am still looking for a good deal on the blankets of other sets and a few other lines like Brand New Baby (with Monkeys and MAYBE Elephants) and the Husky Pup. How cute is that??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Parasitic Environment

So I gained seven pounds from my last OB appointment on the 22nd of April. The doctor said I might want to realize I have to take off all of the 20 lbs I gained so far (Hey thats not much! I gained 50 with Mackenzie lol) Doctor just told me to be aware that I am a parasitic enviroment and I am going to hold on to calories (does that mean all my cake and cookie cravings too?) I took my diabetes test today... I made it whew... and I still have my mysterious bacterial infection. I took my medication well some I forget it sometimes lol. William's heart rate sounded great 150 like usual. My blood pressure was around 101-67 but they say its normal. William's growth slowed down to one week ahead instead of two but I will get my ultrasound next week (4D) so I will see how he's growing in comparison with my outsides lol....

Stats- 5/20/09

Gestational Age: 27 weeks
Fundal Ht.: 29
FHR: 150
B.P.: 101/67
Mommy's WT.: 160 lbs

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Attention Online Shoppers

Attention Online Shoppers!

Do you buy your kids stuff online? (We thought so!)
Get the best deals by knowing the *secret* code to get free shipping, special discounts, or other bargains. Sleuth it out at these Websites:
***quoted in Parents magazine**
Also a tip from my friend Crystal is :)

Update on Me

Today I am a roller coaster honestly.

I got a myspace message that sounds weird or off and I think it means my first boyfriend which is also one of my oldest friend died last night... I am too afraid to call his mama and find out...

I am freaking out over the baby... I really shouldn't but I feel so stupid. I mean I bought mostly winter clothes for the baby then I realized it will be 100 degree's when he is born so he might be too hot in the clothes I bought him so then I stressed my husband out by telling him I would need something else but it will be 100 degree's during the day and cool at night so what would the newborn wear? His little legs will be red and splotchy in a onesie... Then a light bulb went off and said if the PJ's I have for him are too warm then I will go buy him some little rompers then why worry about it now unless I can find them at yard sales or something.

Diapers and Breastfeeding are scaring me... The thought of a c-section (I am going to make sure a VBAC isn't an option AGAIN and AGAIN) being tied down for forty five minutes I just feel an anxiety attack will happen. Not being able to hold, nurse, or touch the baby because my arms have to be tied down. Oh god I want to cry.

Then James... I don't know what to do about James. I feel like I've been avoiding him for days because I don't know what to say to him. am so proud of my Jamesy for being so unselfish to buy a Pack N Play for us... No one asked him to. I mean that says so much I don't know if I could actually say it without breaking down into tears. I mean that means he accepts William and wants to help with him (he would never dream of holding him still I think!) It means he LOVES me and yeah I knew that because he doesn't verbally defend me but he does it in his own way (we've seen some of the stuff he writes about me), I always think of my self as an intruder or the evil step mother bitch because I give him structure and discipline. Its amazing you give someone discipline and they reward you with LOVE! He doesn't buy gifts but this was a BIG gift and I know what he wants and cannot afford so he could have bought something he wants for himself instead. I have asked him to even buy his dad a $20 DVD and he said no. But he told Rick he felt like an ass for forgetting Mothers Day (although he didn't get his mother anything and never does unless I remind him... He didn't even want to call her we did remind him to do that) He said he really wanted to help with William and didn't know how. He see's how stressed we are trying to come up with the money for everything. Its truly a gift an amazing gift that I never thought would happen with my adult step children... WOW

I had a blast at my baby shower on Sunday thanks to my Hostess Crystal and her little assistant Heather who helped with the decorations and cake... Thats so sweet of both of them. All my wonderful supportive Military Wife friends that came. Thank you to those who came and to those of who were there in spirit you know who you are.. You learn who your true friends are even asking for the simplistest thing.

Anyways I rambled yeah I had a great time. Rick was supposed to take pictures but didn't cause he's a goober.. And I have to figure out how to get them off my friends camera and on to my computer at some point but here are some pictures

I got gift cards from Pegan and Marissa as well as Rick's aunt sent me cash which will go straight into Williams savings account or piggy bank!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Closet Deadline 2 days behind but DONE!

We have a huge hall way closet. I had been hanging Skylar's clothes in there and sharing the closet for storage for a few months now since her closet is small and her room is a jungle. So when we found out we were going to stay in base housing for a little bit with a baby I had to come up with some way to store all a newborn's stuff in there as well. Many of you know I am addicted to the show clean house and they feature a company called the container store. I did some reasearch I went to Lowes, Home Depot and even Target to see different closet storage ideas. Of course being in base housing I can't do anything drastic! I called the Container Store and then even mapped out a useable space like the one they have pictured above. That was my goal to acheive. They gave me an inventory sheet than ran over $400 dollars. With the housing drama in Texas I had to cut costs and decided to try and do it cheaper.

Here is the closest I have to a finished product. On the right the colored cubes is an organizer I bought from avon with the days of the week on it and cubbies for each her undies and shoes etc. So I put her clothes for the week in these cubes to make it effortless for others (Skylar included) to get her dressed. The plastic drawers are for William's Onesies and Gowns.. Botttom drawer I just threw in Skylar's bike shorts she likes to wear alot. Hanging above is her dresses for church.

Lets look on the shelves. The canvas bin on the right is for PJ's and Night gowns (she converted from thick footies to regular two piece pj's quickly lol) and Socks and Undies in the tupperware. Pushed way back in the corner are tights and leggings.

I got these great bins for $3 at Target. They are stackable and I have Williams socks, shoes, bibs, hats etc... in each one... I will probably get Skylar similar ones that are pink because they work GREAT!

There are all William's clothes hanging up and his receving blankets and blankets that go with his layette's in the tupperware below. I open the tupperware and it smells so DOWNY fresh lol.

All Skylar's school clothes hanging up. Her play clothes can go in her room. I work with a limited amount of drawers and hang mostly everything.

Bigger blankets, bedding and our duffle bags for when we travel are on the top shelf of the closet :)

We got a present!

I woke up a little after 10 because I sensed someone was in my room. Wicked sense I've gotten since the deployment. My eyes immediately saw the words GRACO on a huge box. Jamesy felt bad he forgot about Mother's Day and wanted to help with William. So he wanted to buy something we really needed so he bought William I couldn't sleep much after that my head is racing and he makes me so proud and I want to thank him I just don't know how :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Update on the Registry's!

Woot just so you know I've updated the registry's with the things I've already picked up. Like the thermometer at Babies R Us and pieces of the bedding at Target :)
Like I got the bumper for my bedding off of ebay instead of just buying it in Target :) But I deleted it off the registry..

So go check it out...
Oh yeah and my disclaimer yeah there is multiples it was either out of my control or there for a reason :)

Registry # 014134600000586 (its registered under my private email address)

Babies R Us.
Registry # 93058777

Registry ID: 900006269559010101
Registry ID: 900006444116010101

Burlington Coat Factory
Registry Id: 13841625

Friday Night Goodies.

I went to Gymboree while Rick was getting his hair cut. I got all this for $50 plus I got $25 in Gymbobucks. I also got another blanket and a t-shirt for Skylar. I actually got a layette cheaper than I would at Children's Place.

I really wanted this entire set but we are out of cash and time they are doing a floor change this weekend. I love love love Children's Place.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

First day without a whole coke

I am a coke a holic....but I didn't have a coke all day due to it making me feel yuck! I had horrible withdrawls so I did drink some sips of Rick's cokes and dr pepper.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Diapers Diapers Diapers

With just less than 3 months left shopping seems to be my frenzy.. Perhaps because I don't have a nursery to set up? LOL...

On the message board we are all speaking about how many of each size diapers to buy..

I am quite smitten with the idea of using Bum Genius cloth diapers 3.0 One size fits all... but I don't know if we will have the money to invest in it. I don't know if I will have them not for the lack of trying... Not to mention their ONE size starts at 8 lbs and never in my life have I come close to having an 8 pounder... Now my oldest was 7 lbs and my youngest is 5 lbs so I doubt William will be 8...

I have yet to buy any diapers due to I want to see what I DO get at the baby shower. Here's hoping LOL but I wouldn't know how many to buy the guide says 10-12 per day of the disposable and/ or 2-5 dozen cloth. I was told at Nurturing Moment I would probably need to start out with about 20 Bum Genius. I do however remember from previous births that they usually say 1 dirty diaper for each day of life? Is that right?

SO whats the consensus?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This Week's Activity

This Week's Activity:

Discuss some personal issues. Would you like to have your son circumcised? If so, do you want it done in the hospital? Will you have a religious ceremony after your baby's born? Would you like to stay home with your baby full- or part-time? These are just a few of the big decisions you and your partner should discuss now. Even if you think you both agree, it's best to share your opinions openly to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

E Invites by the host :)

Baby Shower E-Invite

We are flying high with the news that there is a new Baby Boy on the way!
Please join us for a Baby Shower
May 17, 2009
at 2:30 pm

Hosted by Crystal Pruitt

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cribs cribs Cribs

So basically here is my story. We are stuck in a small house where the baby will have to share a room with us (but cannot co sleep due to Hubby) until probably estimated around ....When the baby is 6 months old. Maybe sooner or maybe later. I don't know...

After that the baby will have his own nursery of course. So we have been weighing the options of Bassinet, Cradle, Crib, Co- Sleeper, or Pack and Play

Bassinet ~ Pros are small won't take up much room, Its one of the cheapest options to start out with and gives us more time to save for the crib we want. Cons it won't last long possibly not the 6 months, The cats will use the storage basket as their own personal bed (not really a con we expect it lol)Most of them rock and that would seem annoying to me. Our favorite is the Zen Bassinet by Fisher-Price

Cradle ~ Pro's are it will be sturdier than the Bassinet??, The same price estimate as the bassinet, No storage basket underneath, Cons are Baby might outgrow it too soon, no storage underneath, rocking would seem to be annoying to put a sleeping baby in it. Da Vinci Futura Cradle in Cherry

Crib ~ Pro's Once all buy all meaning I won't have to buy anything else hopefully till the child reaches school age or preschool. All About Baby has a floor model for $800 (including alot of pieces of furniture not just the crib) Con's We don't have that money in the bulk of it to put on a crib, It takes up more room, Newborns usually don't like Cribs, its the most expensive of options out there....but the long term investment is better. I dunno part of me wants to just get like a cheap Jenny Lind (not my favorite things) until we move or save the money for a crib....
My top three cribs are the Babies Dream Crib (even if we don't get the floor model the crib itself is one of the cheaper ones but with the sturdiest wood.. I need to see if I can find reviews on it. Serenity Crib

Basset Baby Star Dreams Lifetime Crib

Co-Sleepers Pro's and cons are The baby can practically share the bed with me it might be easier to breastfeed I don't know since the probability of myself having a c-section it might be hard to fish the baby out lol. The displays at Babies R Us didn't seem so sturdy, I have read reviews that they didn't exactly fit up to the bed (we don't have a frame for our bed? This is probably a Con, Arms Reach

Pack and Plays Pro's are we have to buy one anyways due to heavy travel schedule it looks like we could be traveling out of the state at least twice a month for an overnight trip. That may change. Rick has TDY's in Ft Campbell as of right now, We might have to make a few trips to sell our property in Texas as well as visit family, Also visiting my family in Georgia. Storage is a great pro for a P&P, They baby can still practically co-sleep with us. Con's We have to disassemble and reassemble every time we want to move it, Cleaning (not all sheets fit these pack and plays) It doesn't seem healthy for a baby?, Not sturdy, I do have cats it seems like it would attract them more. Rick will hit it see what I wrote below, It can take up as much room as a crib.

If I buy the same pattern as the Travel system will it sell better?
I have a Graco Travel System on layaway but at the time of this blog I am not sure what fabric it is. Its on hold at the PX and they only have one Graco Travel system.

However Rick seemed to like this one Chicco Lullaby LX- Adventure(Green/ Beige) and we saw this one in a magazine I thought looked cool...Ok so I looked and it looks like they don't have a "boy" version of the one i like by Baby Trend I have seen one at a Resale shop that had a removable bassinet this was a really cool feature! Not sure what kind it was anymore but I haven't seen anymore like it retail maybe it was a year or so old they change them so often. This one also has alot of side storage Jeep Trek Easy Travel Playard I guess these are the ones we like best plenty more on our registries... that we will also love to have. Oh and one last concern LOL LOL I know my husband the floors have to be totally clear because he doesn't watch where he is walking (yeah he will be pissed for me putting that but I guess he should LOL) He kicks or steps on things that are in his path... no matter the size. I know I will kick his butt every time he accidentally kicks trips or hits the baby's bed while they sleep. Either that or he will get so pissed its in his way that he will end up taking it down or moving it to somewhere I don't feel comfortable with it lol.

Here are the bedding options we have....
Peter Rabbit sorry about the picture quality the pictures of it are scarce online since I had this set originally when Skylar was a baby and it was discontinued then...

Wendy Bellissimo Sir Leaps alot to possibly Coordinate with Lambs and Ivy Froggy Tales Both are discontinued (yeah don't ask what my fascination with picking out discontinued bedding lol

And I have pieces of this and I think this is my FAVORITE although it gets bad reviews. I get it here at Kids Line Pop Star

Of course the others we like are We like Dogs, Monkey's, Transportation (PLANES and TRAINS), Camo, Bold Colors no characters if we can help it please :)

So help me with the Pros' and Cons. What do you think I should add? What did you buy and prefer?