Thursday, May 7, 2009

Diapers Diapers Diapers

With just less than 3 months left shopping seems to be my frenzy.. Perhaps because I don't have a nursery to set up? LOL...

On the message board we are all speaking about how many of each size diapers to buy..

I am quite smitten with the idea of using Bum Genius cloth diapers 3.0 One size fits all... but I don't know if we will have the money to invest in it. I don't know if I will have them not for the lack of trying... Not to mention their ONE size starts at 8 lbs and never in my life have I come close to having an 8 pounder... Now my oldest was 7 lbs and my youngest is 5 lbs so I doubt William will be 8...

I have yet to buy any diapers due to I want to see what I DO get at the baby shower. Here's hoping LOL but I wouldn't know how many to buy the guide says 10-12 per day of the disposable and/ or 2-5 dozen cloth. I was told at Nurturing Moment I would probably need to start out with about 20 Bum Genius. I do however remember from previous births that they usually say 1 dirty diaper for each day of life? Is that right?

SO whats the consensus?


Mo said...

i remember changing like 10 a day. until i realized she was a 3 squirt pooper. I think that normal whit clothies will do you fine, i'd go on and aim for a dozen a day for however long you plan to wait between washes. did the nurturing moment people show you the cool tri clips for clothies? no safety pins needed with that cool thing.

see you at the shower. oh and can i bring john?

Bella Stevens said...

You can bring John. Rick should be there for the most part and John can help lift since Rick had his surgery he's about as helpless as me. Nuturing Moment Recommended the Bum Genius lol... The Owners Daughter was there... Although she looked dressed to go clubbing.