Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our first year

We had such an adventure our first year. William is growing leaps and bounds he started walking right before he turned 11 months old and now he runs "marathons." Especially when there is an IPOD ITOUCH involved or a phone.

At William's last doctors appointment he was 30 inches long and weighed 22 lbs.

He can clap, dance in circles, run, climb... inquisitive is a word to describe my "destroyer of worlds" My quote for him is if I can't eat it I destroy it lol.

  • Plays social games such as pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo and so-big.
  • Bangs two blocks together.
  • Has vocabulary of one to three words. He isn't talking much but he may try Mama and Dada. He also tries to say bye bye. He does pretty good at saying Bottle and Bus.
  • we are weaning him onto the cup. We had some difficulty with whole milk so we are on lactaid.
  • Waves "bye-bye."
  • Feeds himself or herself. He doesn't like baby food much anymore because he likes to feed himself. He's pretty good with a spoon, fork, and even a hair brush.
  • Points with a finger and displays a precise pincher grasp when picking up small objects.
  • Loves music, rhythms, and rhymes
  • He still loves to run away while naked butt and diaperless. He doesn't like to stay still long.
  • He rubs his tag blanket (that is a Minky) type to go to sleep. You can tell he was nursed just by the way he goes to sleep <3
  • He usually takes two to three naps a day. He gets up around 5-6 am and goes to bed around 7-8 pm. He usually wakes up from a wet diaper. He doesn't like his diapers wet and will push his butt in the air so he doesn't lay on it.
  • Has fun opening and closing cabinet doors.
  • "Dances" to music
  • Interested in books and may identify some things
  • May understand some simple commands
  • Fearful of strangers although the seperation anxiety is getting somewhat better
  • Pushes away what he doesn't want
  • Prefers to push, pull and dump items
  • Pulls off hat and socks
  • tests parental responses to behavior
  • Identifies self in mirror
  • he engages in gibberish conversation
  • uses cup without assistance... Addicted to a bottle though.
  • Every morning he runs and gives me my morning hug.

Bye Bye School Bus

When we moved into the neighborhood my neighbor has a 3/4 year old and a 10ish year old. The little boy runs to "Greet" the day and say "goodbye" to his sister. Its more like Bye Sister.... Bye. Come back don't leave!! Its so adorable and I often thought to myself YUP this is what's going to happen to me. Well its a short walk to the bus stop at the end of the road and you can see it from my house. On the right hand side there is a house where in the past year. We have never seen anyone there, anyone leave, anyone come except to mow the law and take care of the newspapers that pile up. I think there were a few Christmas lights. So we joke its going to be one of those houses that will be mysterious as our children grow and they will make stories up of this house at the bus stop.

This year Rick carries William out to the bus stop and we always stay out there with Skylar for her protection. Last year Skylar would play with the 10 or so kids out there. Now she just stays with William. The boy next door still screams for his sister and William waits for the bus to arrive. For the 5 or so minute wait they run around on the sidewalk or up and down the mysterious house's drive way. Its steep so it can be quite a challenge for my diapered fat thighed boy lol. Then as she departs on the bus he does a sad wave and gets real quiet. Then its just him and I for the day.

At 2:45pm its time for the bus to arrive again and we walk to the bus stop (Will & I) to greet Skylar from her day at school. He runs down the side walk to the bus stop and gives an excited wave and sister a big hug when she gets off of the bus. Sometimes he points to the bus and calls out to it. Sometimes he gets distracted by the Military Planes or Chinooks. Everyday she asks to go to a friends house and hte days that I permit he gets so confused that the big bus came and still he doesn't have his sister.I figure soon he will be the little boy at the end of the side walk screaming for his sister.... Maybe the boy next door can help chime in.