Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can I get a Happy medium?

My husband is entirely too laid back for my liking. I need to be goal oriented. I have a friend that freaks over every penny short. My husband I think he's just trying to avoid the price tag of this baby. But like for instance the ebay auction for a brand new boppy and two covers for $30 and he passes it up. Does he know how much more that would hurt to buy at Babies R Us because I am gonna need it. I don't want him to freak out like my friend over every penny. But I wish we could discuss when and how we are buying these things for the baby.

So far we have clothes and bedding nothing else... I am worried. Should I be worried?

My close friends are miles away psychologically and physically. One of them probably my closest female friend kinda ignores the fact that I am pregnant, She doesn't ask how I am doing or anything. I think its because she isn't pregnant even if she tells me different. She's just SERIOUSLY distant from me. I could really use a preggo buddy even if they aren't preggo. Kinda like a girlfriend to get pedi's with or a maid of honor type role since hubby is seriously failing at it. I am tripping on depression dealing with all this chaos. I feel like if I let my husband be laid back then nothing will get done.

Who can help me set goals...

Make sure I have all the babies clothes by.....what date?

Since we are stuck in a little house until the Army lets us out. I am giving him a huge walk in closet for everything he needs... organize and set up closet full of clean clothes and etc ..... by what date?

Set up sleeping area in the master bedroom by ...... what date?

Buy all big purchases by..... what date?

In considering these dates I can be at double the risk for preemie birth...

What are some purchases you've already made and what are some your waiting on.

I plan on renting a breast pump from my OB before buying one to make sure the darn thing works for me since none other has worked. It was his suggestion.

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Lisa said...
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