Saturday, July 30, 2011

William is getting smarter and smarter!

William loves anything to do with Disney Pixar Cars. He doesn't have the attention span to watch the movies but he does like them. Why don't they make Disney cartoons like they used to? That might hold his attention. Instead we set this up on Rick's computer screen and at any given time William he will sit cross legged in front of the computer monitor and watch the trailer reel that goes continuously Lately we showed him one of Skylar's favorite websites when she was in preschool called Poisson Rouge or Red Fish. He's getting quite smart about it. Then there is the Itouch. One year for Christmas we bought James an Itouch because we thought it had the best of all worlds pertaining to James... Apps, Music, Videos, Games, Drawing... etc. Rick and I thought we were being sneaky and also got one for each other without us knowing. Mine died first because it probably had a sippy cup contamination. Then Rick's was replaced twice and died as well so he had James Itouch (James got an Iphone less than a year later.) Now Rick who pretty much can't function without his other brain aka Iphone has given me James hand me down Itouch which I love to use for music and Words for Friends but I rarely use it and find myself keeping William entertained with it. He likes to use the preschool applications for puzzles and shape sorting and has mastered so many of them I have had to pay for the app instead of using the lite version LOL!

PS I get my Iphone so we don't have to worry about loosing the Itouch in a month

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rough Housing & Horseplay

Sometimes the kids get wound up and chase each other in circles. Squealing and screaming... or screeching as they go. Since William was just a baby him and Skylar have been wrestling and rough housing. He can hold his own since she is a big sissy and its just funny to watch because he really looks like he knows what he is doing. He can do body slams and he loves to jump up and elbow her. She hides in a blanket and things get rowdy!
Rick and I got into the action last night as well ... actually William started on me first. He pulls my hair until my head is on the ground then he jumps on my back and bounces up and down. Then it was bed time and we put him in his crib to settle in and he was ready for sleep! Its so cute and I love to just play with my kids and have a good time. Less whining and fun for all! Do you rough house with your kids or wrestle with your boys?