Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pregnant with A Cold?

1. i am allowed benadryl ONCE a day
2. 2-3 cough drops a day
3. chlortrimeton (Chlorpheniramine is in the FDA pregnancy category B. This means that it is unlikely to harm an unborn baby.)
4. warm humidifier (with a little vicks)
5. NO Vicks Vapo RUB
6. saline drops
7. warm salt water to gargle
8. Tylenol
9. PLAIN Robotussin
10. if it doesnt go away in 2 weeks he can prescribe an antibiotic

just puttng this list out there for all you mommies who may catch a cold this pregnancy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec 16, 2008

Today I feel weak and nauseated. So I am not going far from bed. I have so many things to do and I just feel blah like I don't want to do them. I have baskets of laundry, Christmas Cards and gift wrapping. I hope everyone's gift arrive in the mail soon. Emotionally I am doing ok feel so lucky at times that all I have are these nagging hormonal symptoms. I know the weight will come off. I will be sure of that!

How your baby's growing: This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean.

hopefully if not now or soon you can hear me listening to Mozart!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Shopping

Peridot you already have some of your first gifts. A friend of mine sent you a Dumbo sleeper I had bought for her little boy! We spent the whole day yesterday buying Christmas Gifts for your Brother and Sister. We ended up getting your bedding because it was on Sale nearly $200 cheaper than it was! I am so excited! Mommy is already getting round and gained over 10 lbs! So I had to get some Maternity sweaters, cami's, a dress, a pair of jeans, a pair of jogging pants, and a t-shirt. We got them from Target and Motherhood Maternity. I am not excited to be wearing the Kangaroo Pouch already!

I'm Pregnant! and I told Daddy

Yes I have suspected since Thanksgiving. I took a digital ept test at home and it was positive Thanksgiving Night. I took two more black Friday and they were both positive so first thing I did on the 1st of December was go get a blood test at Fox Clinic and it was also positive. How exciting! It made me nervous at the same time because basically I am starting over. The pregnancy was totally planned we didn't expect to be blessed this way or this fast! Daddy only came home from Iraq two months ago! The symptoms I already started to have were frequent urination, tired alot, waves of morning sickness. I know Peridot doesn't like one of my favorites Jalepeno's! I am also really gassy. Right now I have a killer case of hiccups!
As soon as I found out the EPT was positive I told Daddy. My first reaction was OH GOSH! We were in the bedroom Daddy was already ready for bed. I asked him I said you want to see if we passed the test? He asked what test? I said this one. His reaction and his first thoughts he was very surprised. So surprised he said he didn't think he could have anymore children... I guess he was wrong!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Joined Some Groups

I am several message boards but now I have also joined and made a group of my own :) We will see how it goes

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Questions for your first visit

How long has he been in practice?

What kind of training does he have, and from where?

What is his general philosophy concerning pregnancy and birth?

Which hospitals/birth centers is she affiliated with?

Why did she become a doctor, or midwife?

How many babies does he deliver per week/month/year?

Who are the other people in the practice? Will you have visits with them also? Who will deliver? How long have the others been in practice?

Do you have a choice of whom you see in the practice?

What's the rotation schedule?

How often will visits be during your pregnancy?

What happens during a typical visit?

What kinds of pain relief options will be provided to you in labor?

What is his definition of a high risk pregnancy?

How does she feel about partners being involved at prenatal exams and during labor, and birth?

How does he regard written birth plans?

What's her c-section rate?

Will he be in town when you are due?

What tests does she recommend, and when should they be scheduled?

Does he recommend ultrasound tests? When, and how often?

Does she recommend certain prenatal classes?

About you and your pregnancy

What is my due date?

Should I follow specific recommendations concerning weight gain, exercise and diet?

What foods and activities should I avoid?

What kinds of options do I have for prenatal vitamins?

Should I be concerned about anything that I was exposed to before I knew I was pregnant?

Morning SIckness Battles

B6. With the approval of your clinician, try to take ten to twenty-five milligrams of B6 three times a day.

Ginger. Drink ginger-infused tea, or eat ginger snaps. Ginger has been found to suppress vomiting. Contrary to popular belief most ginger ale sodas do not contain real ginger, so drinking them might not help.

Seltzer. Sip on seltzer or club soda.

Lemon. make lemon Zest from the peel of a whole lemon, keep it in a baggie, and niff it when nauseous feelings start to rise. lemon-flavored hard candies may also help.

Yogurt. Eat yogurt to encourage the friendly bacteria in your intestines.

Licorice. If you like licorice, try strings, twists or drops.

Bouillon. Sip on a cup of warm bouillon. Bouillon can be soothing and contains sodium, which may be useful in replenishing your stores after bouts of vomiting.

Water. Stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. Drink between meals and not with meals to prevent your stomach from becoming overfull.

Crackers. Try saltines or other crackers.

Acupressure. Wear acupressure bands, usually displayed in pharmacies next to the seasickness medication. The bands fit around your wrists and have a small knob on the underside that presses into the area beneath your thumb about one inch below the inside of your wrist. This specific spot is thought to curtail nausea.

Avoid Caffeine. Cut out coffee, tea, chocolate, and soda.

Eat First. Eat dry toast or crackers in the morning before you even sit up in bed.

Change Vitamins. If your prenatal vitamins make you sick, take them at night-or not at all. There's no need to tolerate a vitamin that's making you ill, and there's nothing magical about the prenatal label. Children's chew-ables with iron work too, as long as the vitamin contains a B-complex, folate, and iron. Be sure to let your healthcare provider know if you decide to stop or switch brands.

Go for Protein. Avoid processed sugars, and eat frequent small, high protein meals instead. The protein will help keep blood sugar levels steady.

Sleep. Nap frequently. Fatigue only makes stomach upset worse.

Close your nose. Stay away from offending odors. For example, some mothers gag at the smell of frying fish or bacon.

*Taken from Great Expectations by Sandy Jones & Marcie Jones

Wednesday, December 3, 2008